Sunday, May. 22, 2005 10:30 pm

A day together!

The malaise of Friday did pass, but it took a while. I asked Mark if he wanted to go to lunch Friday and he was reluctant and had plans so I dropped it. I did get the oil changed and my toes painted.

After work I met up with B! and family and friends and had a nice time visiting. It was a loud place (the first time I've been to the original Trudy's) and my voice wasn't up to it, but I did my best. We laughed a lot and had fun.

Yesterday was a surprise. Mark was supposed to have to work all day while I had the day off since a remote had cancelled. I was grateful it cancelled so that my voice would have a little recuperation time. We got up and going and Mark found out that he also had the day free and he suggested we do something together!

I was quite shocked, to say the least. It has been a long time since he's spontaneously wanted to go and do something. We had a really nice day together. We tried to go to the Salt Lick but the wait was incredible (an hour and a half for just above average barbeque?) so we went on to Wimberly and had a fantastic burger instead (and great onion rings!). Walked around the shops there a little bit and then went on to San Marcos.

Things got a little boring as Mark did some wheeling and dealing for some road cases with a guy for an hour (part of the purpose for this direction of the trip), but tolerable.

We went on to the western swing festival going on on the square and saw some folks we knew. Mark met the drummer for Bob Wills from 1958 into the 60s and was thrilled to get to know him better. He was a sweet man with lots of stories to tell. He had busted the head of his snare and didn't have a replacement. Mark, boy scout that he is, disappeared (perturbing me a bit) and eventually came back with a new drum head for the guy. He fixed the head and packed the man's gear and we ferried it over to the other stage for their evening show. Even on his days off he is a drum tech and roadie.

We went to the evening performance by the San Marcos River, a beautiful setting. The drummer gave us his tickets to the fish fry so we had a big meal and listened to a LOT of music.

We were on our way to go and got caught up in some more great stories with this old drummer and stayed late late. It was really fun, though, and he was a very interesting man.

So, we had a great day together and for that I am grateful.

Today we both went back to work. I had a remote out at a polo match. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but it had its frustration. The people running the event were a little miffed that we didn't have signs to put up to direct people where to go. It was THEIR event... they should have had their own damn signs. It was incredibly hard to find. We all got lost going out there ourselves. We only stayed as long as we had to and then we were on our way again.

Tonight I cooked a real dinner for a change. Salad and everything. I've also been working on laundry non-stop all day. Almost ready to begin another work week.

Oh... and I had the most horrible dream this morning that certainly is revelatory.... I dreamed that I was escaping from a prison. It had all the earmarks of an action flick. But the prison was work. Very interesting.

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Book Club - Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014
A Good Saturday Ahead - Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014
Back to Work - Monday, Jan. 06, 2014
The New Year Arrives - Wednesday, Jan. 01, 2014
Engaged - Monday, Dec. 30, 2013
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