Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006 11:14 pm

Other's discomfort

I am not being good about updating this week. Lots of busy-ness going on. And drinking.

Last night I went to Threadgill's to catch the band and then on to the east side. My Lord, that place was packed wall to wall. I enjoyed typing text messages with the girls at my table since it was too loud to talk. We laughed a lot.

My new resolution for the year it to hang out more with people who make me laugh. I did have fun last night.

What's that word I'm always looking for ... schadenfreud or something? It is the enjoyment you get from other people's unhappiness. I enjoyed seeing a co-worker in trouble today with the sales manager. I am bending over backward to help the sales people and this asswipe is making it difficult for them AND now losing money for the station. He had an earful today. It won't make him change, but I think they should dock his pay or something.

I am finally going to get paid for work on this Friday. I asked the HR woman if I was going to get the pay that has been discussed (and promised) since early December. She said, no, she hadn't gotten the info she must have. I called the guy in charge and he was ticked and said he'd send me a personal check, etc. Several emails went around between her and him and me and their finance guy and then my HR woman realized that it was her mistake and she will rush it to get me paid this Friday. I felt bad for the people who were not at fault, but I couldn't tell from their email what the tone was. I can't tell if he is mad, mad at me, if I still have a job! It's kind of weird. I'll let it die down, see if I get paid first, and then make sure I'm still working this weekend.

Mark and the band finished the main recording of their new CD today with Floyd D. on keys. Very cool. They recorded the song Mark wrote about the hurricane, too. Floyd thought it was really good and he says he's heard lots.

I did go to the club last night. It was packed. There were more weirdos than I've ever seen there before. And body odor! My, that place stunk on the dance floor! I did dance once with a nice young tall man from Australia. I didn't plan on staying until the bitter end, but I was having a good time. There's a short chubby actor that is now a booking agent and he and his "talent" that he is booking were also there. The actor is getting on my nerves. He really really wants this talent on our music series, which I can't blame him. AND this guy is great and we wouldn't mind having him on the series, but he can't work for the pay that we are willing to offer. Most acts can't! I'm going to start throwing that out to people that want to play and see if they'll play for free. So many SAY they'll do anything, we'll see if they are serious.

I got up early and hung over and went to the energy healer's home and found her and her husband (?) in pajamas just waking up. Took her totally by surprise. She thought I was coming tomorrow. So I have to go back tomorrow. I was glad I didn't have to do it, but I sure wish I hadn't had to get up.

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