Tuesday, Dec. 03, 2013 11:26 pm

December begins!

It was a great Thanksgiving at my sister's house up in DFW. Took us FOREVER (okay, 6 hours) to get their Wednesday night, but it was kind of an adventure because we got off the highway and were hurtling through the night on farm to market roads going through towns we had never ever heard of-- even with all of our exploration in Texas. My sister texted "Where are you?" I said, "Golinda" as if she would know where it was (I sure didn't). Then I put down a couple of others we had passed. She was all "WTF?" Believe me, we were, too. I wasn't sure that this wasn't some parallel universe that had opened up for us just to help get us to Thanksgiving on time. We spent a full five minutes going one mile in Waco so we were very happy to be moving.

The day was relaxing and delicious with all the family, plus my sister's nephew from Holland. We watched some home movies and lots of football and relaxed and had a lot of fun. I'm glad we could be there two nights.

Coming home was nice, too. We did stop by family friends in Dallas before we got on the road home. Long lazy weekend at home and I got my tree and decorations up earlier than I've ever done before. I even mailed a big batch of Christmas cards, but I do have another dozen or so to get done.

Back to work yesterday. It is boring because my favorite coworker is burning some vacation days and was out. I missed him so much I had to go by and share a bottle of wine after work. That was fun.

Lunch today with "Frenchy" who I hardly ever see anymore. She bought a new home along with a friend. I was teasing her about being a lesbian now since she legally became partners with this girlfriend to buy the house. She said "Lesbyterian." haha

I also started physical therapy for my knee yesterday and I'm feeling it some today. I need to go do my exercises and go to bed.

I'm not participating in the Holidailies with this diary like I am with my blog, but I should at least endeavor to write every day. I like this.

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Older Entries
Book Club - Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014
A Good Saturday Ahead - Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014
Back to Work - Monday, Jan. 06, 2014
The New Year Arrives - Wednesday, Jan. 01, 2014
Engaged - Monday, Dec. 30, 2013
JournalCon Austin
Design by Rachel