April 30, 2003 11:19 am

Cooder Graw tonight

It's Wednesday and this will be a long busy exciting day. Tonight is our big live music series at the cafe. It really amps up the energy through the afternoon on my show and, Lord knows, I need it this week. I feel like my show has just been plodding along. I think I've been getting up way too early in the morning and I'm spent before 3 p.m. rolls around. Today I slept pretty late so that should help. Cooder Graw is performing and they are supposed to be on my show, too.

Tomorrow is the day I interview/share the mic with Charlie Robison. That is going to be very cool. I'm excited about it and very very nervous. Why? Is he really any bigger than anyone else I've had on my show? In a word, hell yes.

Sunday at the fun psychic brunch Kramer (astrofish.net) told me that my mortgage closing on the house refinance would have one glitch in it and I'd be called back for one more signature or one more small unimportant thing...not to worry about it, not a big problem, just expect it. Sure enough, Monday came and the mortgage guy called and some numbers had been left out so they needed a bit more money. Not enough to panic over, no problem, just one quick trip to the office again.

Yesterday was therapy and I was boring. I feel like I must entertain my therapist or be in crisis or something, but none of that yesterday. We didn't even talk about CGP. Being in these in-between-crises periods worries me almost as much as the crises! It's like watching the weather on a sunny day and seeing that line of storms swirling in the west on radar. You know all seems well, but past experience shows you that you need to be heading for the cellar.

I am a little bummed this morning. I can see my bank balance online and see how much my paycheck is. From the amount I know I either didn't get my bonus or my pay for my work in the city south of here, or I got the bonus and maybe part of the pay from S.A. Either way, something is missing. I won't know exactly what until I look at the pay stub at work, but I'm girding myself for the call to S.A. to say, Guys, you've had four solid chances to get this right and get on track, the time has come for you to find someone else. I enjoy the ego stroke of being asked to be on the air there, and being able to say I am on the air in a top 10 market, and I'm eager to see if my presence has an impact on their dismal ratings (but I won't really know that until August). But each day it is a pain to have to record that show. Doesn't take a lot of time, but it takes a lot of energy, and I am in low supply of energy these days.

Talked to Mark in Germany yesterday afternoon. They move on to Belgium and Holland today for the last week of the tour. Home one week from tonight. What will I do with my last week of "freedom"? Probably continue to clean kitty poop, continue to soothe angry Gato Numero Uno, work work work, and get together with friends periodically. No spectacular accomplishments, no novels written, no trips taken, no mind-altering breakthroughs. Just life.

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