Thursday, Apr. 13, 2006 11:36 am

Roger show

Here I sit again at close to noon, needing to get ready and go to work and dragging my heels. Really I need to go get an inspection sticker and have an oil change, but I'm avoiding that issue, too. I can justify not doing that today because I am without funds until tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow I'll get energized and do something.

The show last night was really good. The crowd was overwhelmingly big. Way too big. Lock the doors and still a line down the street big. It seems like Roger's appeal had waned in this past year, but I guess that isn't the case at all. Lots and lots of underage kids there, so he has them wrapped up. I was a little miffed at him running late through the day and only being on my show for a few minutes. But, since it was his fault, that's all I'm going to give him. He didn't have a lot to say, though he is a good enough interview. He's cute and he's personable, that's for sure.

It was not as pleasurable night at the cafe as usual. Mostly because of that massive crowd. I couldn't hear myself on stage at all so I feel like I'm yelling and no one is listening. We had a fuse blow and the speakers went out so we had to take the radio break early. I heard Roger was pissed about that but I didn't see him pissed. And lights went out on the stage at one point, too. The cafe is held together by baling wire, I'm afraid, and just can't handle shows this big.

One very odd thing last night. I got there and was by the beer girl and this pale, effeminate man said, "You don't remember me, do you?" Uh, no, I don't. He starts giving me hints. Then I remember I knew him up at Hanover's three years ago when he managed the place. So I was there with him, what?, maybe five times total? And I'm supposed to remember him three years later? Pretty full of himself, I'd say. Then I discover he and his product are the new sponsor of our series for the whole year so I guess I'll be seeing a lot more of him. Oh, joy. He's a nice enough guy, but he is just one of those put-out people that never seem to just relax and enjoy things. Tight ass. I believe that might be the word.

Cory was there and sang one with Roger last night. Pleasant to see him.

I stayed mostly in the little house just because it was so overwhelmingly loud outside. It was loud in the house and I had earplugs in, too. I'm sure there are about 2000 people with ringing ears this morning.

I have got to get to work on time and get some things done in a studio today. I have fallen behind on some requests from the salespeople and I haven't done tonight's show for Virginia. I hate to be under pressure, but it's my own doing. I will get it all done and there is no curfew tonight. I can stay as long as I need to because Mark is working.

Oh, and about Idol. Mark and I cheered last night. Finally the people voting got it right. I thought they never would get that Bucky off the show. Him and his hickness and his lack of singing ability had driven me crazy. It's interesting that Ace and Elliot were the other two lowest. I thought Ace did a better job on Queen than he had done in previous weeks, but they ripped him up and he got low votes. And I, and the judges, thought Elliot had done a great job on Queen, yet he ends up in the lowest. I would say people are not voting for him because he is not as attractive physically as the others, but, then, Ace doesn't have that problem, for sure, and he's got the lowest votes, too. I don't know what's driving it, but it will be interesting to see who gets Bucky's votes this week. I suspect Chris, being from the South, being a rocker, will gain on this, but then, Taylor is also from the South and more of the souther good-ol'-boy, so he may get them. And then there's Kellie. The hick vote that Bucky was getting will surely be going to her next. Ick. I'm very tired of her hick-is-cute routine. Who am I for? I'm tired of them all. I haven't ever bought an American Idol's CD before and I don't expect I'll be starting this year so I don't care.

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