September 27, 2003 11:05 pm

Sick sick sick

Oh, woe. When sick hits, it hits big. I wrote a while back about feeling like a sonic boom was just waiting to hit me, that the pressure was building up. Boy did it hit. I was dragging early in the week after the long weekend at ACLFest, but I knew I had to make it through Wednesday night. That was the final night of our free music series, the series I had committed 6 months' of Wednesday nights to. My voice was cracking and rough on Tuesday and on Wednesday and by Wednesday night it was rough as a washboard. I did my best to talk only on the broadcast, but listeners kept talking to me and at a loud venue you have to strain your voice so much to be heard. I have had laryngitis so many times I know the signs and I knew it was coming if I didn't stop soon.

Great praise from the boss Wednesday night. Nice long hug and extreme praisings. It really felt great. I warned him I would most likely be sick on Thursday.

Thursday came with very little voice and I felt like crap. Made all the calls, sent the e-mails, took care of things, and slept away the day. Really thought that might nip it in the bud and I wouldn't get any sicker. Friday came and I was even sicker. Mark left about 10 in the morning and didn't return until 10 that night and I only made it out of bed for medicine and the bathroom (okay, and a quick glance at new TV shows). Never even ate. The upside of that day of starvation was I weighed the lowest I've weighed in years this morning. That was a nice bonus.

Today I started off just as sick, but tonight I am feeling some energy. Obviously I'm better because I haven't been asleep since about 3 pm and I've eaten throughout the day and even cooked my own soup tonight. I'm bouncing back. And I have a reasonable amount of voice again, so I might be well for work by Monday.

I know I did a terrible job of nursing Mark when he was sick in July because I was working so much and then left to go to my family reunion. Maybe this is payback. Mark is a terrible nurse. He left this morning at 10 a.m. and returned at about 2 pm and I was starving. He had gone and eaten lunch while he was out without a thought about whether I needed food at home. I will let it pass. He does what I ask, but when you are sick you sometimes need someone to just make the soup or the toast and bring it to you whether you want it or not.

My friend Rocky is going to bring by some medicines tonight for me. It may be too late for them to do much more than keep me healthy through the next go-round, but that is something and I appreciate her being willing and volunteering to get me the meds I need. And, she's determining the meds I need. I'm in this fog of denial of needing more than Nyquil and she's bringing Vitamin C and other important strength-builders.

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