Friday, Nov. 05, 2021 1:12 pm

Dragging to Retirement

Wow - time does stream by so quickly. I own the house, the other house is sold. That's the headline for the last two months. That only happened completely Oct 22. I didn't come out of the deals with as much money as I would want (does anyone ever?) and my new house payments are still astonishingly high for my meager income, but I'll make it. I will need to be conservative with the extra from the sale and not rush out to refurnish the house or put up the patio.

I am still lacking mojo, but some days it flows more than ebbs and I try to get some things done on those days. Today I am going to get out of the house and get some things for Mother and visit her and then get myself some groceries and dinner and then be home tomorrow to DO stuff...maybe.

Re-reading my last entry about Diana --- she finally messaged me on Facebook just last weekend.... Months into this move. She had had a knee replaced. I had no idea about that. I answered her message, but I'm not going to jump back in with a long email or a relationship.

I keep trying to put it in my head what my last house was like and what made it cool and cozy as I looked around. Of course I'd worked on it for 20 years and that was a lot of it. I just want this one to have a lot more personality. I'm going to hang pictures this weekend. I finally found my hammers and screwdriver so I can. That will help, I think, just to have my visual reminders of who I am. Maybe I'll go buy a rug.

Weirdness has gone on this week. My GLASSES disappeared Sunday. I realized when I was working outside chopping bushes that I didn't have on my glasses. But when I went to get them, they were not here. I looked as much as I could and asked my sister to come help look (since she could SEE). She had no luck either so she drove me to their house to watch the Cowboys and brought me home again. All week I've expected them to show up but they haven't. I found my last pair of glasses. They are supposed to be a bit weaker, but they've been working just fine and I don't notice that they aren't as strong, so that is good. Surely these glasses will appear????

My laundry room light has been out since I moved in. I know it DID work early on and then it hasn't since. Yesterday I called an electrician to come fix it and a couple of other things. Then I walked in there, flipped the switch, and damn if it didn't come on. I have NO idea what made the difference. Will it stay on? Who knows? Weirdness.

I'm still missing some things -- like my small black hard drive. No idea what box it is hiding in. I think the bulk of my genealogy is on it.

I'd better go back to work. My job is so weird these days. No idea what I'm supposed to be doing all day. Really. We bought our biggest competitor and they eliminated two people from our team last week. But each day I'm that much closer to retirement.

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Vacation - Thursday, Dec. 30, 2021
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Off to Austin - Friday, Dec. 10, 2021
Almost a New Year - Friday, Dec. 03, 2021
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