Friday, Dec. 03, 2021 8:42 am

Almost a New Year

Another month flies by. I'm home from work today to use up some PTO. I was off yesterday and had real mojo and got a lot done. It was wonderful. Right now I am waiting for the delivery of my new washer and dryer from Lowe's and the plumber is coming to see about rerouting the refrigerator water and see why my water stinks.

Re-reading my last entry -- the missing glasses have NOT turned up. I ordered a new pair online and they were totally wrong when I got them. Investigation showed I missed the + sign and put a - sign on my order. No wonder! But they refund 100% which is amazing. I got another pair I ordered and they are okay... sometimes the "zones" for reading and seeing mid-range seem a little off, but okay.

Thanksgiving came and went. The younger nephew and wife had company from out of town and didn't invite us to join them. We (sister, brother-in-law, and I) were resigned to having our own 3-person feast, but the older nephew invited us to join him and his in-laws. It was a really lovely day with great food and family.

So far I've received two beautiful new rugs (a third may arrive today), a dining table that I assembled myself, and two bedside tables! Things are sort of shaping up and even with the washer/dryer I've only spent about $2000.

I've realized that I am right on the brink of having enough money to pay off the 401K loan. I had considered it when this money first came in, but I had too many other things I wanted to do. But the ynab app is certainly teaching me about budgeting and I hope in January I can pay off that big loan and THEN I'll be getting and extra $100 in each paycheck! That will benefit me more in the long run AND that money will be fully back in the investment and growing faster than it would as the loan. I hope.

No word from former best friend this month, but another old friend has invited me "home" to Austin next weekend for a slumber party and I'm looking forward to seeing them and other old friends. I probably need to plan on going back down every six months or so and even staying at a hotel and seeing friends. We'll see.

On the job front, I have a new boss now. So far I do like her, though it seems I'd barely gotten used to the other one. I will have a meeting with her - a review - next week. Of course, she has no idea what I've done this past year.

My house is partially decorated for Christmas. I'm taking it as it comes and enjoying what I do get done.

Hopeing the plumber gets here soon and beat the washer/dryer men by a couple of hours. I'll go sit on the edge of my seat for all the big changes today!

Before || After
Older Entries
New Start - Sunday, Jan. 02, 2022
Vacation - Thursday, Dec. 30, 2021
Post-Christmas 2021 - Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2021
Christmas - Saturday, Dec. 25, 2021
Off to Austin - Friday, Dec. 10, 2021
JournalCon Austin
Design by Rachel