Saturday, Dec. 25, 2021 11:30 am


Christmas is here . . . I need to get dressed and start thinking about heading over to my sister's. We had our "big" Christmas last Sunday so this is just games and visiting and snacking with them and the childless nephew and wife. I saw the other nephew last night as he performed with his church group. It was very churchy, but I was glad to support him. It was WAY the hell north and took about an hour to get to. I'm glad I had GPS because I took some wrong turns and needed it.

I'm glad I have the upcoming week off. I'm going to go to Tyler tomorrow just for one night. Then I hope to actually do some STUFF around this house. Put away some of the Christmas and make a home for it. And try to make more room in the garage. I did clean it some this week and it sure has made it easier to park and get in and out. I really want it to be neat and organized eventually. SHELVES. I need many shelves there and in the laundry room.

I visited Mom yesterday and took her some presents: a warm poncho thing, a box of talcum powder, and a Sudoku calendar. I also have a little "diary" that was the wrong size for me. I'm going to give it to her and maybe she can keep track of things a little there.

I've had cedar fever since Wednesday ... started with sore throat, now mostly just a stuffy head and burning eyes and lots of sneezing. At first that thought of "COVID?" but no fever, chills, runny nose, or extreme fatigue. The Omicron variant is the latest thing that has us all worried and New York is really suffering again. But it peaked quickly in South Africa so maybe it will not be as bad as Delta and the OG Covid.

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Vacation - Thursday, Dec. 30, 2021
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