Saturday, Jul. 02, 2005 12:28 am

Hot weekend ahead

I am so lethargic this week that I wonder if I will ever catch up. I can sleep late tomorrow and that will help. I saw my sweet chiropractor today and that helped a lot of my stiffness and soreness. And he is just an upper to see.

The broadcast on Monday is sounding worse and worse as the weather gets hotter and hotter. Nothing like sitting in the hot sun for six hours. My broadcast has now been extended until 8:30 instead of my usual 7. Live broadcasts are one of my least favorite things already and this is going to be tough. The heat will be bad, and my voice has been so weakened by exhausting, that I have no idea how it will be on Monday.

And then I have to get up EARLY on Tuesday and go to San Antonio to see the doctor again. I'm glad I'm seeing him again, but wish I wouldn't have to go so early. Bitch bitch bitch.

I did get a ton of work done yesterday and today. Yesterday another one of those "Oh by the way..." issues popped up that had not even been mentioned to me. It involved a part of my job that had to match what everyone else has done on their computers for it to work. Frustrating to be out of the loop on it. Didn't take too long to fix it and get it straight for the future, but the communication sucks so bad in that place.

My cell phone is so fried. It is frustrating. It does receive calls, but I can't make calls or do much that involved the buttons. They'll work for a short period of time and then they lock up again. I did manage to write down all the phone numbers I have stored in there. Interesting to see whose numbers I have. There were several Texas music artists programmed in there that I know some groupies would love to have. I haven't called them in so long they may not even be good anymore.

So we've had our first 100 degree day yesterday (tying a record) and we were at 101 today. Just can't wait to sit there and melt on Monday. Whoo-hoo. I'm a patriot.

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Book Club - Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014
A Good Saturday Ahead - Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014
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The New Year Arrives - Wednesday, Jan. 01, 2014
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