Sunday, Aug. 21, 2022 1:34 pm


Reunion is past and even another family birthday get-together. Yesterday we had a family lunch at my sister's house for C&A whose birthdays are a week apart. It was a pretty good day. We are always on eggshells a little bit around A so I hope she enjoyed the day. The "boys" did some jujitsu on the front lawn and that was fun to see. One is a something-belt and he was teaching some techniques to the other.

A neighbor is out mowing right now. I hope he doesn't scare away the rain. We have a 90% chance of rain and we are really desperate for it. Anything would help, but a few inches of soaking would do a world of good. Some things are just dead in my yard, but I hope they may be alive down under the ground.

The reunion was good. I didn't enjoy my time in my little Air BnB as much as I did last year. My sister was there for one night again and that was fun, but my night alone wasn't as great. I did enjoy the long long nap I took on Sunday afternoon. And I went to Underwood's Barbecue on Monday and that was fabulous except I truly overate. I don't know when I've overeaten like that. It's truly been years. I was practically sick. I pulled over 3 times down the road hoping I would throw up. I didn't, but eventually it all settled in.

I took off three days after the reunion and that was great. I needed the recovery and I had a massage and it just helped get me back to my world again. I did get a little of the reunion info done, but there is more to go. I only had to work two days after that. I did just work a little today (on Sunday) trying to get ahead and hoping my boss gives me some overtime hours. This month has cost me a fortune for gas and hotel. My future fixed income budget may not accommodate all of these fun things.

My work friend Trevor is coming up tomorrow for a meeting on Wednesday. I need to clean house a lot today. He is OCD so I'm hoping HE will go on a cleaning binge while he's here. Ha. I hope he can give me lots of good gay-eye advice on the house and decor. I am really liking my house, but it is not where I want it and probably won't be for years. Still trying to figure out how I can pay for a porch project. I guess when I get an inheritance. I'm not wanting to rush ANY of those.

This week one of my school classmates (first through twelfth) called and we had a great catch up. I've never spoken to him on the phone and I really enjoyed it. He was always sort of a class pet. Very small guy, one of our very few Hispanics, and just sweet. I posted on Facebook I wanted all of my classmates to call me and the next day another friend who I have seen over the years got in touch. We talked over an hour. He got divorced a couple of years ago, too. I was surprised. He's always been a mild mannered dull guy and his wife appeared very much the same way (I never met her) so I wouldn't have thought they would get up the energy for a divorce, but they did. I don't think he was flirting with me as much as just needing someone to talk to and I enjoyed it. We both could talk about our divorce reasons and the aftermath and it is a lot easier to talk to a single man than a married man at this stage. I'm not going to go to the class reunion because of finances, but I hope I'll go to the 50th if I'm still around.

I have a long list of things to do today, as I do just about every day. I'm going to go start laundry and get dressed and then see where the day takes me. I hope it starts raining in a bit and a good nap is in my future! Or at least curling up with a book while it rains.

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Weekday report - Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022
Almost Day of the Dead - Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022
Saturday a But Bummed - Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022
Weekend - Friday, Sept. 09, 2022
Boring Labor Day - Monday, Sept. 05, 2022
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