Wednesday, Jul. 13, 2022 8:24 pm

We're Down

It's been crazy hot for weeks now and no end in sight of days over 100 degrees. I'm just staying inside and staying cool. I'm trying, though, to run the AC at about 82. I work and sleep with a fan on me and it's comfortable. Sleeping is really nice with the fan.

Today I CLEANED and I'm feeling the knees and joints. I cleaned out my closets and got a lot of clothes, sheets, and towels sacked up to be taken away. I rearranged the dining room and open area. I'm washing the sheets and as soon as they are on the bed I will go to SLEEP. I'm tired.

What did I do July 4? I swam at Mackie's on the 2nd, I think. I could see Addison's Kaboomtown on Sunday the 3rd from my back porch if I stood up. Did nothing interesting on July 4. I took the 5th off, too, but who knows what I did.

I've been doing lots of genealogy on the Alonzo C story. I knew he committed suicide in Arizona. Now I know why. He and another man were arrested for the Mann Act for having women that weren't their wives with them. Geez - the US may go back to enforcing the Mann Act in those instances again, calling it white slavery. The Supreme Court would like that.

If I haven't written in here -- Roe v Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court and the whole country is fucked. That, along with the January 6 hearings on TV, just make me So down!

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Reunion Time - Thursday, Aug. 11, 2022
Hot and Unmotivated - Saturday, Jul. 23, 2022
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