Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2022 1:29 pm

Sick for the Holidays

It's been a couple of weeks and I've been sick MOST of it. That is appalling. I am never this sick this long.

We did have a lovely Thanksgiving with a big group at my nephew's. Friday we went to the other nephew's and had more fun and watched soccer and played a game.

But Sunday I got sick with a really bad sore throat. It lasted a few days and then came the congestion and runny nose and lots of sneezing. Now the last few days it has gotten down into my lungs and maybe my ears and I feel worse today than I have for a few days. I always know that colds come and go and doctors can't do a lot, but I finally gave in and called a doctor. She called me back on just a telemed call, which was great, and called in drugs to the pharmacy. I'll go get them as soon as my grocery order is ready and hopefully can knock everything out in one day. And feel lots better by tomorrow? I hope so.

Friday is the big day at the radio station. I asked the doctor if I would be contagious and she wasn't too worried about it. I will wear a mask and be careful.

Otherwise, I haven't seen Mom in two weeks, since the night before Thanksgiving. I want to get back to her soon. I haven't seen ANYONE since the day after Thanksgiving so almost 2 weeks solo.

So I'm going to roll easy for a bit until I get the call that the groceries are ready and then I'll run stock up and get home and sleep. No, I am not sick officially at work, but the boss is out of town and there is little work to be done really.

Just noticed it is Pearl Harbor Day. Thirty years ago I was getting engaged and launching off into a wonderful new world. And I was seriously sick THAT night, too. Must be something about the season.

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To Be Cont - Friday, Dec. 23, 2022
Sick Part 2 - Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2022
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