Thursday, Feb. 09, 2023 9:01 am

Feels So Good Feeling Good Again

Things changed a bunch since I wrote. I did not go to Austin after all. My friend's sister in Austin got COVID. I thought we were done with all that! So she had to change her flights and I changed my plans and I'm home.

While I SHOULD have canceled my request at work for vacation, I did not. I had it scheduled for Monday afternoon and then Tuesday, Wednesday, and today. I figured the Monday would be good to continue to help get Mom settled in her new room, but then Tuesday seemed like a good day to recover. And here we are Thursday and I just couldn't make myself "go back" to work. I will tomorrow.

I have been thoroughly EXHUASTED through these last few days, though. I would have been worthless at work, as I have been at home. We spent the day Saturday packing and moving some boxes to Mom's new place. We cleaned out the closet and I have at least six bags of used clothing in my car to take to a charity place. Sunday, the men of the family came and moved the furniture, bless them. I still carried a lot of boxes to her place and to my car. I had five times as many steps on my watch step counter than I have on a usual day (not that that's much). I went home each day totally depleted.

Monday afternoon we got everything else over to the new place and I vacuumed the old place. I hoped to go get a massage that day, but never made it. Tuesday I got up for radio and then slept and then slept some more and finally dragged myself to the massage place. Man, when I put down that I want "strong" pressure, he brings it!! He puts that elbow deep deep deep into my back muscles. He even seemed to be chuckling at my "agony/relief." I was totally woozy by the time he was through with me.

After the massage I went back to Mom's and sat while the cable guy installed the internet and cable and then we hung some more pictures on the walls. I could feel the "good feel" of the massage slipping away. But after another day of rest yesterday, I actually feel normal again today. Thank you Jesus! My shoulder hurts and my bruised leg from the fall (purple and yellow - so pretty) still hurt. Okay my back hurts, too, but I am not totally worn out. I wish I could go right back and get another massage to help heal everything, but I can't afford it. I guess I couldn't afford the one on Tuesday either, but some things you just have to go into debt for a little.

Mom is adjusting to the new place but the first night she was out in the hallway looking for a bathroom, poor thing. The nurses and helpers there are so wonderful, though. They are watching out for her.

So, all in all I'm thrilled I didn't have to drive to Austin after being so worn out. And it was pretty cold and rainy this week, too, so B! wouldn't have liked that at all. She's going to try it again in two weeks so I'll take some more vacation then. I am so stingy with my vacation days, but I shouldn't be. If we get to Christmas and I can't take off the whole week between the holidays, big deal. That is such an easy week it won't matter.

Feeling better, I hope I can get this house cleaned a bit more today. Just a teeny tiny bit will make me feel better, I know. And it is a bright sunny warm day again, so if I can get outside that will help me too.

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Super Bowl Sunday - Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023
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