Thursday, Mar. 02, 2023 9:19 am

Quiet morning

This is a perfect kind of morning. It would be MORE perfect if I weren't late for "work." I do it from home and probably no one cares, but I am on their clock so I can't relax and just enjoy this quiet house and beautiful weather.

It is going to be very stormy today with a possibility of hail and tornadoes. I hope none of that happens, but some rain is almost always welcome.

Right now I just love the quiet in the house and my clock ticking. I have a hot cup of coffee nearby and I think there is a cat somewhere nearby. I've finished my radio work for the day and it wasn't frustrating so that's a plus.

It is Texas Independence Day, but I have no plans to celebrate other than thinking of our forefathers that created our Republic on this day in cold Washington-on-the-Brazos. I bet bluebonnets were already blooming there that day --- I wonder if the men even noticed them? I had no ancestors involved in the Texas Revolution, I'm sad to say, but two families in my tree did come to Texas while it was still a Republic, so that's pretty good in a state where so many people have settled later.

I have TWO commitments for this weekend. I hate that. Add visiting my Mother on there and it is THREE. I need to pay more attention to my calendar and refuse extra stuff. Tomorrow night I'm going to a musical about Gloria Estefan. My sister got a good deal on tickets so I said yes, I could afford the cheaper ticket and go with them. She did NOT tell me we would be going to dinner beforehand, her and her husband and two friends, another couple I've known for many years, but haven't seen in a long time. I look forward to seeing them, but my sister sent the link to the restaurant and it is one of those fancy downtown restaurants where an entree is easily $35. Good Lord, that's a full load of groceries. She kind of said I didn't have to worry about my dinner (they would pay implied) but I hate that and I don't know that I can relax and enjoy dinner with people that have that kind of money! So, whatever happens, Friday night is going to cost way more than my entertainment budget (of $0) allows.

Saturday it is a baby shower. Typically I decline all showers, but this one is at the Colonial Country Club in Fort Worth and I do like seeing how the other half (0.001%) live. I looked it up and it costs $87000 to JOIN the country club and then $470 a month (that's probably for one person, not a family--- not that that would matter much to anyone that can afford the $87K in the first place). I want to see that place and explore a bit of Fort Worth I haven't seen before. I hope the husband of the couple is there, too, since I know him better than the wife and she will be busy as the honoree. I won't know anyone else except maybe his mother. I've ordered baby gifts and they should be here today and tomorrow in time to get them there. I would have bought them gifts anyway so at least I am getting a lovely brunch in exchange. Not that this is a transaction!

So whew - that's a lot. Dinner, musical, and then brunch/shower. And THEN I'll come by and visit Mom. I'm sure Saturday afternoon will have to be a nap and recovery. I wonder if I were retired if I would find ANYTHING to get me out of the house. I don't LIKE being out of the house.

My coffee has gone cold and I know there is work to be done today so I'd better go see what is happening in work world.

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Older Entries
Mother is Dying - Monday, Mar. 27, 2023
Spring!! - Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2023
Restless - Saturday, Mar. 18, 2023
Baby Shower Report - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2023
In the Gauntlet - Saturday, Mar. 04, 2023
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