Wednesday, Mar. 01, 2023 9:20 am

March Blows In

I read an article yesterday, written in 2014, about Diaryland and how popular it was at one time and how it is defunct and/or a dinosaur. But there are those of us that know it is a gem and hang on. I wish the creator, Andrew in Toronto, could have made a million on it for his sake, but I also appreciate that it hasn't changed and hasn't added bells and whistles. I think there may be two photos in my whole blog. It just isn't that important to make it everything to everybody.

I made it back to Austin last week. It was a quick trip, but I got a lot squeezed into it and I've been exhausted ever since. I visited two aunts, three cousins, two best friends, two almost-siblings, and met a new friend. The flowering trees and mountain laurel and redbud were beautiful. Not out in full array just yet, but some were. Trevor and I walked past a tree -- a full 15 feet from it -- and both said, "What is that smell?" It was a fabulous perfume. The tree was a cherry plum.

Staying with Trevor was so nice and easy. He fixed me a scrambled egg breakfast and we talked a lot and admired his sweet Lottie. We walked around the neighborhood a lot and went to a yard sale. We tried to go to an open house of this monster black Victorian house down the street, but it wasn't really an open house, it was a tour that cost money. But it did get us as close as the driveway to see what a huge house it was. It will be "known" for a long time. I bet the neighbors hate it.

Seeing Beth! was also easy and fun. I guess I like friends that just want to mainly sit and talk. We did go out to a couple of lunches and had pizza on game night with her family.

I also saw my oldest 99-year-old aunt in her nursing home. My cousins were so surprised that she was awake and alert and conversed with me. She even asked about my kitties unprompted. She was OLD I will say. My cousins and I went to lunch after and that was fun to have a long long talk. Then I went to Austin and saw my Dad's sister. She's 92 and doing amazingly well. Walking easily with no walker and her popular culture references were way ahead of mine! She did talk and talk about the indignities her daughter and sons must endure (oh, yes, the grandchildren too). I spent a lot of time with her and then came back when my cousin was there. I was glad she had her time to speak because he never took a breath. Love him and he's brilliant, but he needs to edit. And we got in a "tiff" because he thinks he knows how our g-g-g-grandfather died in the Civil War and he is wrong.

So I've been home since Saturday night and all I've done is sleep, oversleep, nap on my lunch hour, visit Mom once, and work. I hope I catch up. I have TWO social events this weekend. I don't know how I got so overbooked. Friday night it is a musical about Gloria Estefan AND dinner (I didn't know until yesterday there is dinner involved). This will cost me more than I expected. And Saturday I'm going to a friend's baby shower in Fort Worth. It is a brunch at a Country Club and I thought it would be nice to see it and Fort Worth and, of course, the friend. I ordered presents today and there's more money out the door. I dwelt on that a lot last night trying to sleep. How am I ever going to get ahead and have the money for gifts and entertainment if I can't afford my basic necessities day to day?

Today is the first so I'll do my monthly overview of the last month. I think I was SUPER frugal in February.

Before || After
Older Entries
Spring!! - Tuesday, Mar. 21, 2023
Restless - Saturday, Mar. 18, 2023
Baby Shower Report - Sunday, Mar. 05, 2023
In the Gauntlet - Saturday, Mar. 04, 2023
Quiet morning - Thursday, Mar. 02, 2023
JournalCon Austin
Design by Rachel