Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024 11:47 am

Beautiful weekend

I didn't set the house on fire, really. But, boy, the smoke alarms thought there had to be a fire. "Where there's smoke...." No, maybe where there's smoke there is forgotten overflowed pizza in the oven. I decided to make a quiche and turned the oven on and the smoke started pouring out. A while back I cooked a pizza that was very sauce-y. Trying to get it out of the oven, it overflowed and that sauce and cheese was on the door and the rack. Of course I immediately forgot about it (and burned the living crap out of my mouth) and forgot to go back and clean it. So boy I had a houseful of smoke before I could even think about getting a window open the alarms went off. Only the "manual" alarms went off. The alarm company alarm is way back in the bedroom and it didn't go off, thank goodness. They might have sent a fire truck before I could tell them it was a false alarm. It's cleared now and the quiche is in the oven, probably getting a bit of a smoky flavor added.

I cannot wrap my head around this being SATURDAY. I keep looking at the clock so I can turn on the TV when the playoff games start. I think of a store and think "No they are closed today." On and on. Last night I turned over to watch Saturday night live when I realized it was Friday. I took a day of vacation yesterday and so that has thrown me. A lovely kind of delusion, for sure!

My sister and I had planned to go to Amarillo tomorrow for an event she wanted to be at. I was going along for the ride and we were going to go see our mother's grave and her headstone that we haven't seen yet. But earlier this week it was cold and wet and my sister didn't want to go. I was fine with that. Trip canceled.

I then changed my plans, since I already had the day off, to go to Tyler and see the "in-laws." He turns 93 today so a visit to celebrate would be great. But after I had called and confirmed, his son, my man formerly known as my husband, called and wanted to come up to celebrate with him. Well, of course he gets first dibs (without even knowing I was in the running). I'm really glad he is visiting them. It is a rare thing indeed. But they asked me to move my trip off to next weekend. I said yes, but then I remembered a concert ticket I have for Saturday night. I can't make up my mind. I'd lose the money on the ticket, but I'd be going alone and I do want to see the folks, but I won't have the Friday off like I did this week. Etc. Etc. Etc. So decisions to be made.

Meanwhile, I had a day of vacation that no one knew about. I enjoyed it immensely. I had time to do "slow genealogy" where I can ponder and think through some things. And I pulled almost every book in the house onto the floor to divide them up and get rid of a lot of them. I still haven't taken down Christmas and done other things, but truly yesterday I just did what I wanted to. It could only have been better if NBC had broadcast Dateline last night instead of ice skating. Sigh. That's why it didn't feel like a Friday night! I watched some other shows and then watched half of an old Dateline that I remember, but I can't remember who did it.

Today I'll continue the projects and I'll go at MY PACE. I hope for no interruptions and no aggravation. And, don't tell a soul, I'm also off on MONDAY. OMG it excites me so much I really wonder if I should check into retiring now. NOW.

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It's March! - Sunday, Mar. 03, 2024
Dutch visitors - Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024
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Feeling gross - Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024
A Crazy Dream - Monday, Jan. 29, 2024
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