Monday, Sept. 18, 2023 7:23 am

Tyler Weekend

I woke up early and then started feeling pukey. That's rare and weird. I got up and the feeling went away in a bit. Now the coffee maker is being fussy and is finally making the coffee and that has me a bit irritable.

But when it is ready I will take my coffee and go sit outside a bit. I'll need a sweater!! That's the first time of fall. My big thermometer on the fence appears to be BELOW 60 degrees. Official temperature is maybe 66.

I spent the weekend in Tyler and I may be a bit bummed just because I didn't get my weekend at home to recharge. I had a lovely time with the former in-laws, of course, and it is so good to see them and I know it helps them (him especially) to have me come. I should try to go just for the day in a few weeks. And a couple of times over the holidays if I can. Their back yard is luscious and sitting on their patio is like being in a resort. We sat out there a long long time.

I missed a wedding shower while I was gone (on purpose). I had already declined before I made the travel plans. I'm sure it would have been lovely, but I am tired of showers for anything.

Okay. Coffee's cooked so I'm going to find some shoes and a sweater and go outside to get my mind straight again.

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Older Entries
Peanut Festival + Car Collapse - Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023
Pep Talk to Me - Sunday, Oct. 15, 2023
Entropy - Friday, Oct. 13, 2023
Fall is here FINALLY - Sunday, Oct. 08, 2023
Curtains - Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023
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