Wednesday, May. 10, 2023 9:09 am

Clean house

This week really has gone better just because the house is clean. I KNOW that, yet I continue to let things get cluttered and messy and then my mind follows along.

I prepped for radio on Sunday and that has made each day's show go a lot faster. That is good to not feel pressured.

And I made blueberry muffins yesterday when the silicone pans arrived. The muffins were fantastic. I can't stop eating them. I'm glad I gave my sister half of them so I don't have those to eat.

She visited yesterday. I had invited her Monday, but she was getting a massage and couldn't. So she came yesterday. I wasn't as much in the mood for company yesterday, so I'm sure I was dull and irritable. She irritated me a bit with her "pouting." She was pouting because I didn't call her back on Saturday. She called while I was on the phone with Beth so I texted and said I was on the phone. She didn't say, Call me back, or that it was important and I didn't think of it again. And it was Saturday. Usually she's all tied up with family on the weekend. Then she pouted when I pulled out Mamma's portable typewriter to show her I'm cleaning it up and got a ribbon for it. She said, I never get anything, or something to that affect. I said, Excuse me? I believe you have Mamma's entire vase collection and the shelves they go on? I didn't even think about the china doll of Mamma's and Pappa's iron fire engine. She has a LOT of their treasures. Today I was thinking of just taking the typewriter and going and putting it on her front porch, but I've cooled down. After she left I missed Mom because this was just the kind of gripe I would gripe with with Mother. She could sympathize because she had older sisters, too.

My friend Marisa called and checked on me yesterday. I really appreciated that. Very few have contacted me just to see how I am doing. Two of my daddy's-side cousins are still on my shit list for no contact about Mother's death. Their aunt!

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Dance Recital! - Sunday, Jun. 04, 2023
B's Visit - Saturday, May. 27, 2023
Socialism - Monday, May. 22, 2023
Busy Weekend - Saturday, May. 20, 2023
Approaching Mother's Day - Saturday, May. 13, 2023
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