Saturday, May. 27, 2023 11:00 am

B's Visit

Beth was here for two nights and it was a good visit. We walked 3 miles together, via the senior citizen rec center here in town. We got the tour and I joined and NOW need to walk there again and get on the stationery bikes or treadmills or something. And take a class, maybe tai chi.

But mostly I procrastinate. She left yesterday morning and I had the whole day to myself and I couldn't make myself GO anywhere at all. I did go into the front yard and dug out a lot of dallisgrass and raked this long patch that I think was just too buried in thatch to be healthy. I dug out all the dead stuff and them put new potting soil on top of it all and put a lot of St. Augustine stolons on top and watered it good. I think that is really all it needed. It was along the edge where the grass clippings all end up and pile up. I need to do some of that in the back yard, but the guy that knows about drainage visited Thursday and I need to know his recommendations before I waste a lot of time. He thinks there needs to be a drain on one side of the house, but the backyard just needs dirt dug out and rearranged.

We had some great pizza Wednesday night. I haven't had a pizza delivered to this house ever. This wasn't delivered either. It's a place on Midway I've seen on Google maps and it has the thick pizza I like so we went there and it was delicious. So good. I'm craving it now. We didn't eat out again as she is very frugal and eats like a bird. We ended up just having hummus and naan bread and avocado here at home.

We sat on the patio and it was lovely. I have been out there this morning, too. I am looking at umbrellas again. I need to invest in one so I have that shade in the morning when that sun comes up over the houses.

I need to sprinkle some flower seeds around today... and consider where I might put some vegetable seeds. I planted a few things last year and then the rabbit ate them. I can try again. I think all the rabbit holes are sealed up now.

There are so many things I am telling myself I need to do and things I WANT to do... But it isn't even like I procrastinate by watching a show I like or reading a great book. I just procrastinate by poking around at nothing on the internet, or sleeping, getting something to eat, or just sitting. I know I'll feel better if I get out of the house and go to the plant store and the umbrella place and just see the world moving. But then I talk myself out of it because I have no money and don't need to be spending money and it can wait another day, etc.

I think I had a dream this morning where I was working somewhere and we found out we weren't going to get paid on payday, it would be delayed a couple of weeks. I must be stressing a bit about the money in my subconscious. Maybe I'll start there and make sure the checkbook (virtual checkbook) is balanced.

Beth amused me... She's not a [...interloper? illuminati? wanderlust? that word that means the people who don't like modern things.... my mind is blank]. She, of course, uses most technology. She commented that all of her bills are set up to pay by credit card so she doesn't have to keep track so closely. But she pays her rent by check. A handwritten and hand-delivered check to the landlord. I told her the bank and automatically write and send a check for her even if the landlord doesn't take "electronic" payments. She was amazed, but I could see that wouldn't be something she would investigate. I try to keep my quirks to myself so people don't know weird things about me like that. And if something saves me time and inconvenience and having to meet a deadline, I would take advantage of it. Sigh. There were other things that irritated me about her during our visit, but it was mainly just that I want to be alone.

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Yard Work - Check - Saturday, Jul. 08, 2023
Midsummer - Sunday, Jul. 02, 2023
June is Ending - Saturday, Jun. 24, 2023
Pres. Indictment - Saturday, Jun. 10, 2023
Dance Recital! - Sunday, Jun. 04, 2023
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