Saturday, May. 04, 2024 11:58 am

Back to more nomal

Life goes on, even without my baby Phil the Cat. I had several conversations when he was sick and then after with my former husband. He had fallen in love with Phil in a photo online and truly worked to find this particular cat and get him into our home. It took months because Phil had a little bit of illness so he was at a foster home until he was good and healthy. We even drove almost an hour just to visit him in the foster home a couple of months before we got to take him home. He sent me some photos I didn't have of those earliest days.

I have had a lot of anxiety this week because I had signed up for this veterinarian service that costs a LOT of money. I was under a lot of duress, I think, worrying about Phil and not worrying about money and signing up for it because with all the costs I was paying on that day it seemed like it would all work out to be a good deal. But just about as soon as Phil died and I could think about it, I knew I didn't want to pay for this service every single month even if it would save me money in the long run. And, considering I had had to take Phil to an emergency clinic and pay them a lot of money, I can see where this service might also not cover those kinds of expenses. I knew the monthly commitment would always make me think of Phil and worry if it was a good deal or not. I emailed and called last Saturday to break the contract before the 3 days you always have were up. I called again on Monday and the person I spoke to was all "no, you didn't contact us soon enough" and that irritated the shit out of me, knowing my rights. She said someone would call. Days later I sent another email. Finally yesterday I was about to call again and I found they had finally responded to an email and this response was much kinder. I had to pay them some more to compensate for the services I had last week, but that was expected. I charged it and moved on with my life. I've already got a follow-up appointment for Moon Pie at the closest vet and I'll see if I like them and start taking these two to the vet more frequently.

Otherwise, it keeps raining and storming and I have a giant mud puddle outside the door once again. I'm hoping we finally get an approval (or more instruction) from the City on Monday. On their website that is listed as their "due date." I don't know how much concrete can be poured when the ground is soaking wet and six inches in water. Now we may have to wait a month for it all to dry out (if then!!). Delays, delays.

I was looking around my kitchen today and thinking that if I walked into my sister's house and it looked like this I would call for an intervention! But that's different. She has a maid and is home without working. I do work and have gone through a tough time so I'll give myself a break. I do hope I clear the laundry off the dining room table today.

The roses I planted last weekend look to be growing and happy. One is a swamp rose and is supposed to be happy with wet feet. I planted it in the part of the yard that floods so much. I hope to eventually get more drainage to it all, but for now I planted this rose. It does seem especially happy and has several new leaves.

I've got a very short work week coming up. I'm working two days and then taking off almost a week. I'll go to Austin for a couple of nights to see my best friend while she is visiting there. Otherwise I hope to just be home pretending I'm retired. Once this week I was hard at work on tasks I really enjoy. I love it when I can be focused because I like what I'm doing. I decided to view my job as freelance. I do it when I want to and I get paid for doing it. I have the freedom to quit any time. It's just a mind-fuck really to keep me happier for the next 20 months. As fast as the 34 months I've lived in Dallas have flown, 20 should be a breeze.

Speaking of time flying, my older nephew celebrates 10 years of marriage today. In their 10 years they've bought a big beautiful home and furnished it and landscaped and got a dog and have traveled to Japan, Iceland, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Spain, etc. The younger nephew will have his 10 years next month and they've also bought a big beautiful home and furnished and landscaped AND had four little girls. Quite a different life direction for them. They've traveled the world some, too, but more with the whole family and not the exotic locals on their own. As for the dog? I understand they are getting a puppy, named Hank, in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited for those girls. I can't imagine what it is like to grow up without pets. I'd love it if they got a cat somewhere along the way, too! Or three of them! Or four, one for each girl.

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Another Austin Trip - Sunday, May. 12, 2024
Back to more nomal - Saturday, May. 04, 2024
Phil - Saturday, Apr. 27, 2024
Phil is Sick - Saturday, Apr. 20, 2024
Eclipse 2024 - Wednesday, Apr. 17, 2024
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