Tuesday, May. 09, 2006 1:30 am

Sad in a funk day

I need to update... just for my own sanity.

Made it up to Denton with no problems. Dad was in pretty good shape. I wrote a good update email to his mailing list that he was doing good. He was talkative and improving. Then Sunday morning he called the house at 7 a.m. I was so out of it I'm sure I made no sense to him. He called to say that his incision had burst and they had discovered him in a bed full of "discharge" and stuff from his belly. They cleaned him up and bandaged it, but the doctor would be on his way in a bit. Oh, I wanted to go back to sleep so bad! But, I knew I wouldn't, so I got up and got ready and went into town. The doctor opened up the incision even more, clipping the stiches that were inside and letting it drain. Pain! Ow! And they took a swab and expect it to be infected and probably the source of the infection he's been suffering. Of course, this doctor is still saying, "Wounds can be taken care of at home, we'll send you home soon." Frustrating how he and the other doctor have this power play going on.

I stayed until mid-afternoon. Mother and I went to lunch at a much too-busy and too-loud and too-much-food Cracker Barrel. We came back and finished out the Mavs-Spurs game and then I hit the road. It was a long hard trip back. I was really tired. I stopped at the outlet malls and got some shirts and then just concentrated until I was in Austin again.

I got home and Mark had only beat me by an hour or two from his wedding gig way out in the boondocks of the Hill Country further than Concan. He had the sad news that his sweet grandmother had died. I started to cry when he told me and he said, "Don't cry" or something to that effect and I was proud that I told him "Don't tell me how to feel." I realize it is a blessing, I realize she had a beautiful life, I realize that this was the time, but I miss her and I loved her and I want to grieve for her some, especially while my husband is there to support me. Poor sweet Lena, she was a lovely lady and she and A.Z. were the best example of a happily married couple that Mark could have.

So... Because of Dad and Lena, we have been in a bit of a funk today. I got to work early so I could plow through a lot to be ready for the marathon for the hospital on Thursday and to be ready for any other trip I need to take. My boss was incredibly nice and said that if I needed to go back up there, I could. The marathon could wait and didn't have to have me if I couldn't be there. It was nice to have that affirmation.

We go the winter book today, too. Winter is never our strongest, but we were #2 overall and I was number 4 in the demo that matters. I will get a bonus. That part is always nice. I wish we had kicked a little more ass, but we will in the spring, I think. We do better in the Spring and Fall books.

Over the weekend I heard again from the old boyfriend that found me through myspace. Because of him I heard about his brother, who was also an old boyfriend of mine. And I emailed yet another old boyfriend to wish him a happy birthday and heard from him. It was like a blast from the past weekend. There are two other old boyfriends, though, that I am still curious about. Haven't heard a thing about one since 1990 or so and the other probably a little longer than that. Well, with that one I did hear that he wasn't entirely happy in his current (third) marriage. I hope that's not the case, I do want him to be happy.

I went to see Mark play tonight and did my best to just be in the moment and not think about Daddy or Lena or any of the other things that are on my mind this week. Some of my better girlfriends that are of my generation were there and some of my favorites from the younger bunch, too. A cute young UT couple that I think are so cute and vibrant were back. He's grown a beard and still is so adorable.

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