June 24, 2003 8:05 am

Software issues, Mark is home

It seems like more and more these days I am not updating because this site has its "you can't update now, I'm busy" message on the first screen. Diaryland is getting very popular, I suppose. I need to upgrade to a paid membership so that I don't have that screen and I support the site more. It's just a time thing. I don't think I even have PayPal set up anymore so it would involve "stuff." I'm not good at "stuff." I had to go through some stuff at work this week and it is such a pain. The software for my computer expired. I called to renew the license.

"Do you have an internet connection?" they asked. Well, duh, of course I do, and I can read instructions and this softward clearly instructs you how to renew over the internet, but I don't have an internet connection on this computer, so, therefore, I am calling.

"And what is your name?" I gave them my name. I wasn't on their list. I should be on their list. I remember six months ago faxing them the requested GM-signed, company letterhead letter giving me permission to use this software. The names they had on their list hadn't been with the station in over a year. I typed the require letter, sent it to a printer across the building, went there with one sheet of letterhead paper. . .and screwed it up. I printed it on the back of the letterhead. Well, it is only going to be faxed, I can print it on the front and no one will know. I print again. And it is upside down on the letterhead.

So, next course of action? Ignore the situation for another couple of days until the red flags on the screen again warned me my software was about to expire.

This time, I asked the IT guy if he could renew it because he probably had permission to renew. He made the phone call, but when he discovered how many names were wrong on their "approved" list, he set me to getting a letter made for the entire company with the correct names.

Again, I go to typing, but this time I e-mail it to the sales assistant that types letters more regularly and asked her to print it for me on letterhead. Soon thereafter she has a beautifully printed letter which I have to hike across the building to retrieve, hike to the north 40 to have my boss sign it, hike back to her area to fax it to the company, and then I relax.

Until a couple of days later when the red flags wave again because I still haven't renewed. I make the call and am ready to argue my case, "But I HAVE faxed you the required letter....", but there was no need. They had my name this time and the renewal was made. I fully expect another six months from now my name will have mysteriously disappeared and I'll go through this again.

Saw my Dad and sister Sunday. They came down to visit my grandmother so I saw her too, and my aunt and cousin and cousin's baby. My new herbs must be kicking in. Normally, this particular mix of relatives would make me very on-edge and tense. This time, I enjoyed most of the conversation. Only as my aunt _________ (more and more I can't think of words these days.... not complained, "dismayed" is the word I keep coming back to but that isn't a verb, talked derogatively about---too bulky) .... BEMOANED, that's it I think.... the state of men today. The only reason she and her daughter AND her granddaughter can't find good men is because they keep accepting these angry alcoholics and continuing to try to live with them. You have to draw a line.

I'm working on my family reunion mailing list and I must tackle it again this morning. I am just not finding enough time to work on it. I found several straight hours over the weekend late at night, but with work and now Mark is back, the time is getting very short to get this accomplished. I am about ready to print what I have and just call it good.

Mark is back. He and the band began their drive back from Virginia after the gig Saturday night. They drove straight through, had a breakdown in Tennessee, and he made it home Monday morning about 8 a.m. It is good to have him back. Especially since he was observant enough to see the water on the front porch and think "problem" instead of "week-old rain that hasn't dried." The water heater is leaking and he's on the phone with Sears right now taking care of things.

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