Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005 10:11 pm

Projects continue

Cold weather is back, but so is sunshine and calmer winds, so I like it.

Back to group today and I enjoyed it a lot. I like these people. They were proud of me for asking Mark out on a date. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but this has been going on a while. When Mark got in late last night, I said, "Would you like to go with me on a date Saturday night or would you rather go Sunday afternoon?" I fully expected a protest, or questions, or dismay, but he said, "Why not both?" It really made me feel good and I am looking forward to the weekend!

I finally made contact with the speech pathologist today. We only talked on the phone but we have a full-fledged appointment made for next week. Just getting the appointment and talking to her has made me feel more in control and aware that I am NOT going to lose my job over this. I won't. Talking to our computer guy at work also gave me some reassurance that all was well.

I have felt good with my paint project going on this week. I wanted to continue the efforts tonight, but didn't have quite as much energy. I finally have gotten into the refrigerator and pantry and gotten them cleaned out well. I've thrown away a lot of food that I have no idea how old it is. We'll start FRESH... if and when I get to the grocery store.

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Book Club - Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014
A Good Saturday Ahead - Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014
Back to Work - Monday, Jan. 06, 2014
The New Year Arrives - Wednesday, Jan. 01, 2014
Engaged - Monday, Dec. 30, 2013
JournalCon Austin
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