Thursday, Dec. 03, 2004 11:17 pm

Flaming with Fat T

Yesterday I instigated a flamewar with a co-worker. I think it is funny. Which is good, because I could be upset by it. I'd rather the co-worker be upset because he's a heart attack waiting to happen. I've never given him a name here so let's just call him Fat T.

Fat T has made a habit of leaving leftover plates of food on the shelf outside of the control room. Our other co-workers continually leave half empty cups of cold coffee there. Yesterday I wrote an email saying "Come on guys, clean up." It wasn't too vitriolic and it didn't point fingers at anyone specifically, but I only sent it to the three that precede me on the air.

Soon the long email of hate came back with acknowledgement of the bowls of food (but no apology) and a huge paragraph berating me for the job I'm doing on a few things. It was full of bold letters, capitols, and question marks. I just laughed and didn't respond. These all were cc'ed to the boss, so it would be interesting if he got any reaction out of it.

Last night I had to work late and then had dinner with a music guy. The place was freezing cold so I couldn't just relax and enjoy the meal. My breathing troubles were really hampering me, too, so I couldn't easily converse. We left there and I went to see our live radio show. It was freezing cold there, too, so I went and got my coat and gloves and tried to stand it a little bit longer. I couldn't hear well either so I finally left and went to listen at home on the radio.

Today I felt like I had to rush out of the house to go to our group and then on to work. Found a credit card of mine has expired and I haven't received new ones so I had to call to get them resent.

At work I was scrambling getting some things together. The morning man offered me a nice big Valium. I took it as an experiment just before my airshift. Miraculously, I had a great show. It made my throat work just fine for the whole afternoon. It was wonderful. I won't say it was 100% but closer than it has been in a long time. Of course, I was dopey and sleepy through the whole show, too, but at least I could talk. That was really nice.

Got another mean email while on the air. Why are people so mean? This guy wrote to bitch me out. Yesterday I announced that Ken Jennings had finally lost on Jeopardy. Of course, it has been common knowledge that it was coming, probably this week. Well, once it had happend, I announced it on the air. This guy wrote claiming I had announced it before it happened and ruined the show for him and everone and he would never listen to me again and why didn't I go back to Amarillo or whereever I came from. Don't people have better things to do with their lives? I guess not.

On the flip side, I have had some very nice calls lately and I helped a sweet older woman track down the sheet music to Wings of a Dove from a music store today. I'm spreading the love.

Mark's out working a gig tonight at the Paramount. The old good boss came over and picked up some drums for our friends the Trailers that lost their equipment again (lost as in had it stolen). Nice to see the boss for a bit.

I've been practicing my piano tonight because I believe I need to get up there for a lesson. I may make this my last lesson. I'm not way into this and it is becoming a bother. I have two salespeople that really make me work for my commissions. I don't care for that much. Sure, I get free piano lessons, but it involves a lot of time and travel and shmoozing that I'd rather not have to do.

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