Tuesday, Oct. 09, 2007 12:16 pm

Cowboy Victory

It's John Lennon's birthday. He would have been 67 today. That wasn't the first thought in my head this morning, but it was the first thought when I saw the date just now. My cousin was born in 1980 on this date, too, the year he died, so I always remember him on this day.

Mainly my thoughts this morning are still on that AMAZING Cowboy victory last night. I have never seen a more poorly played game. The Bills had no offense, but they didn't need it when Romo threw five interceptions and fumbled the ball, too. Their special teams and defense scored and scored and scored! I watched the first half here at home and called Mom at halftime before I went to the club. Then I listened on the way as the Bills ran a kickoff back 103 yards for a touchdown. Then I got to the club and watched as the Cowboys screwed up time and again. But then, through miracles and even bad calls and Terrell Owens' dropped balls, the field goal kicker put us ahead in the last second (after a touchdown and no extra points in the last 20 seconds) and the Cowboys won. I felt bad for the Bills fans because they had been so elated for three hours as they watched the undefeated Cowboys falling to their 1 and 3 Bills on their first Monday night game in 13 years. Miserable for them, but I was so amazed that I am happy. I wish I could watch all of this Sunday's game, but we'll be on our way to San Antonio to see Lyle Lovett and I'll miss most of it, I bet.

But, the good news is, Mark will be going with me to see Lyle and he'll be home for his birthday and home for the next three weeks instead of on tour. Another guy at work is going to go on the tour (if it happens at all). Hooray. I don't mind a short absence, but that is just too long (unless he is getting to enjoy Europe on a great playing gig).

My traffic reporter/new mother/co-worker was back yesterday and I was so happy to have her there. I brought her flowers to welcome her. We had lots of things to talk about to catch up. She looks great and is happy to be back.

I meant to do more work on logs this morning, but I slept late and cooked breakfast and washed the dishes. I've been trying to just wash the dishes to the eggy spatula doesn't just get grosser and so that the kitchen looks great when I leave (and when I get home at night). It is something that it only takes maybe 15 minutes at the most to wash all the dishes. It would probably take that long to load the dishwasher and then unload the dishwasher, so I may as well do it and not have to clean off the bottoms of the glasses and cups and all that grit that pools there and, of course, worry about the eggy spatula even after it comes out of the washer.

I did do some work on the logs last night, so I am ahead for the day at least. I think I'll clean up and then try to do one more day's log, if I can.

Tonight I'm going to San Marcos to see Joe Ely and Reckless play together. I wish Mark would go and I wish I didn't want to go, but they don't play together much so I will go and put in an appearance. I have been feeling more alive and energetic since I've been drinking the acai juice, so I at least know I will have some energy for it.

And last, but certainly not least, my mother is doing fine. She went to the cardiologist and he was confident that she is not going to have a heart attack and doesn't have congestive heart failure. A bundle of nerves isn't working properly, but that isn't something that will kill her quickly, there will be warning and time to do something. She is going to have a chemical stress test next week to see what else he can tell her.

And my sister is off to Amarillo today and possibly Colorado. I hope she has as much fun there as I did. She won't have the class reunion parties to go to that I did, but she is going to hook up with some old friends up there for dinner. . . including the old boyfriend that she is constantly texting. I hope our cousin is able to see her, too. My sis will be in misery if they don't get a visit.

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