Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2005 9:54 am

Long read

Mark is snoring hard this morning. I can hear him all the way here in his office. He was out late last night at his gig, as usual.

Heard from my weatherman this morning that we have set a new record in Austin this morning. It is a new early freeze. I love information like that. Just last week I was going to ask a question about Austin's earliest freeze date, which had been October 30. Funny, at the time I was thinking there wasn't a chance this year that we would have a freeze even that early. And then boom! Here we are with a freezing cold morning (for a minute or two at the airport at least). It is very pleasant and the first cold spell is always so refreshing. I guess I need to remember where my good coat is. We're going to an outdoor show tonight and I may need it.

I spent a lot of time in my office last night. It is hard to get me into that room when I don't have a computer to attract and keep me mesmerized, but last night I did some reorganizing. I put up a new shelf thing to hold some of my favorite CDs and that helped clear up the bookshelf top which was overflowing with CDs. I still need some better cabinetry in that room for books and CDs, but just this little bit helped a lot. The maids are coming today so I couldn't leave them all over the room in little stacks like they had been.

My sister had a fun in with the band director last night. She had to call and tell me all about it. My older nephew is a senior and this Friday night is Senior Night at the football game. They spend the halftime introducing the seniors and their parents join them on the field to honor them. My sister has been looking forward to THIS night for several years...seriously. She has boo-hooed her way through previous years knowing that her little baby will be out there soon enough. Well, yesterday, the band director called her, with my nephew in the room, to say that he wasn't going to let my nephew do senior night because he isn't part of the MARCHING band. He has been a member of the marching band for 3 years and this year he asked if he could not march. BUT, he does go to the games and play in the stands and stands on the sidelines. The director was being a real ass about distinctions. My sister gave him both barrels. She said that HE hadn't lived up to his promise of giving my nephew a solo, which was part of the deal they struck. Heck, my nephew was going to quit band altogether because he didn't want to march, and the band director worked it all out in order to keep him. Now he doesn't want to honor him as a senior? That's just ludicrous. My sister really chewed on him and I suppose now he is going to be honored, but it kind of puts a damper on the whole event. He could care less, but it is my sister that needs this. She thinks that sort of surprised the band director.

This same guy has been giving fits to my younger nephew, the drum major, with threats about his performance and threats that he will not be head drum major next year, etc. etc. This guy sounds like he is a huge power trip.... which, I suppose, is part of being a band director.

I am chomping at the bit for Thursday. On Thursday we will have a new book and see if we are number one again. I desperately hope that we are number one, that I am in the top 3 in my daypart and our demo so that I get a big bonus again, and that our sister station is not in the top 5. What is that called? Shadenfreude? I'm misspelling it, I'm sure. But the worse they do, the closer I will be to having a new boss. We are certainly getting along neutrally well, but I want a relationship that improves me. I've hardly seen him in weeks and we desperately need to change our music, but he doesn't answer emails and disappears from his office before I can find him. Of course, he still sends his little son to solicit for Boy Scouts. How do you turn down the boss's son?

And I wasn't on the air yesterday at all. This transition period has been very weird. I can talk in normal conversation, though my voice is a little high and I do gasp periodically. But when I "announce" and try to have a litte more umph behind it, it just falls apart and sounds like I am sick and suffering. It is really hard to tell ahead of time if I am capable of being on the air. I suppose today I will try to voice-track a break or two. That should tell me if I can do it.

I didn't take my old computer to the computer store yesterday. I will today. I did go by a store to look at iBooks briefly. I may see what this store will give me for my computer and see if they will give me more in trade if I go that way. I could settle for a refurb laptop for a while, I suppose. Or a refurb PC to keep stuff stored and safe and then buy a laptop when money is easier to come by. Or I can wait until Thursday and see about that bonus money. 48 or so hours isn't too much to wait. Maybe I'll go talk to them and get an offer and then make some choices.

And tonight we have a date! I'm sort of excited about that. Merle is in town and Mark hasn't ever seen him so we are going. It will be cold, but it will be fun. I hate to miss the ball game, but it won't be the last one. I know I could record it and then watch the whole thing. Maybe I will at least try to do that. I could zip through a few innings just to see how it is going and then commit to watching the last three?

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