Monday, May. 15, 2006 12:01 pm

Busy, frustrating weekend

It has been a busy weekend...

First, the radiothon was a huge success. On Friday I was not nearly as emotional as I had been on Thursday, which was a big relief. I think I was just overly tired on Thursday along with Dad being in the hospital and Mark's grandmother's death. Friday was better since Dad was on his way home from the hospital, Mark was home from the funeral, and I was well rested.

We were still way behind last year when I came on the air on Friday and we caught up and exceeded last year's total by 16,000 dollars or so. It was a great feeling. I want to get more involved in the hospital this year and I need to figure out how I'm going to do that. I need a reminder through the year what they mean to me.

Dad went home from the hospital on Friday, but on Saturday at the house the home health care nurse didn't like the fact that he wasn't feeling any pain when she pushed on his stomach and he hadn't urinated all day long. Bad sign. Were his kidneys failing? So she sent them to the ER and he spent a night there under observation. They decided it was just dehydration and they sent him home yesterday.

My mother and I got into an argument yesterday and I almost cried. I don't know when we have had an argument like that? Before my wedding? In college? We just don't ever disagree. But I was talking to her at the hospital and she got very angry that I wanted her to ask the nurses how to prevent him from being dehydrated again. And I wanted her to either ask these nurses to dress his incision again (because it is supposed to be changed twice a day) or call and make sure the home health care worker would come in the evening. "No, no, I can do it myself." She was angry at me because I was making her do things that she doesn't want to do, even if it would be the best thing for Daddy. She and I are alike in not wanting to ask questions, rock the boat, make phone calls.... BUT.... when it comes to life or death? I think she needs to take some action. My sister had already been chewing her out because on Saturday afternoon Dad had a nosebleed. My sister found this out when they were at the ER. The doctors had specifically told Mother and Dad that if he had a nosebleed during his treatment for cancer, to immediately go to the ER. Did they do that? No, they figured it would be fine. And, of course, if he hadn't already been scheduled to be at the doctor on the day he had the emergency surgery I know he would have suffered at home for hours and possible died of septic shock as that perforated ulcer continued to spew forth. AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH AUGH. Frustration.

So... otherwise. I have been enjoying the emails/correspondence from my old boyfriend that found me through myspace. My friend at work said "That's how affairs begin!" but it only makes me happier and happier that he and I didn't last any longer than we did and that I have a great husband now. He's probably thinking the same thing since we just don't have much in common except our past. But, for now, it is fun to talk about old times and all that has happened in the intervening years. I got a CD from his brother, too, and it isn't half bad. Not something I will listen to more than a time or two, but interesting to hear how he has turned out, too, since I dated him as well.

Saturday I got out of the house and went to Half Price and sold some books and bought more books (it is a vicious cycle). I went to Target and bought me a big gas grill, too! Excitement! Brats on the grill! Saturday I went to a party for a friend's birthday, too, but found out about Daddy going back to the ER just as I was getting ready to go, so I wasn't much in a party mood. It was more of a get-together anyway with just a few people and some good snacks and wine, so I stayed and then had a couple of conversations with my sister in a back bedroom. Went home before midnight and got in just as Mark did.

Yesterday, I put Mark to work with a honeydo list. Finally we have the curtains hung in the bedroom. We bought them with the agreement that he would put them up because if I did it he would criticize and redo it anyway. So he got busy and cussed a blue streak and got them hung and they look great. They really finish that room (after 7 years of living here). Then he took on the gas grill! I didn't know if I could get him to do two projects in one day, but he stepped up to the challenge and got it done and it worked beautifully. I think I will enjoy grilling. It gave me an opportunity to enjoy the night, the fireflies, the sunset, the wine, while the brats and the chicken cooked. Very very pleasant evening. (where's my OFF!--- mosquitos spoiled the mix just a little) The food was great! Hamburgers are next.

So now I need to go to work. I don't have a show for tonight for Virginia so that is my first priority. I'm a little miffed at Cotton. He emails yesterday that a certain song had played in the 2 pm hour Saturday and in the 3 pm Sunday. Too close, he feels. I wanted to write back and say "Uh... get a life!?!?" I wish I would go to work with just a passion, a love, for what I do, but I don't. I don't dread it. I don't fear it. I don't MIND it. I like it a thousand times better than most of the jobs I've had in my day, but there still isn't that desire to go immerse myself in it. Oh well, I'm appreciative for the fact that I do at least like it and can do it well.

And tonight I am going to try to go to a writer's group get-together. I fear change and new situations and I certainly fear commitment and another item on my too-busy calendar, but I haven't done anything in a writer mode in a long time and I need to overcome the fear of people reading my writing and my fear of saying what I want to say. The truth shall set me free!

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