Friday, Mar. 04, 2022 1:36 pm


I'm on my work computer and I never go to Diaryland on it, but I'm bored and figure why not. We are not able to really work today because Encore is down for the entire day. They have allowed us to be off 2 hours early this afternoon for employee appreciation day, so that is nice. I'm going to get dressed and ready in a bit and go visit mother for a while. I dropped by Monday, but it was a short visit.

Last entry I said I need appreciation. I got some good props yesterday from Steve. He called and I almost answered the phone with "What have I done wrong?" because of my paranoid mind, but I didn't. He said he was just calling to say how great I sounded. He said I'm worth 10 times what they pay me and if he could he would. He said I sound great and have great content and any Dallas radio station should come take me away. We laughed about the youthfulness of radio and what they are missing by avoiding old pros. He said he had a commercial playing the other day on our station that was recorded by a service they use. The "girl" used the word "filet' and pronounced it fill-ett -- exactly like it looks. How could someone be far enough along in radio to be an announcer and not know "filet?"

My sister just called and she was about to go visit Mother, but I think I will continue as planned.

I have so many ideas in my head and things on my list but I never want to accomplish any of them. Even fun things, like art. I'm just a lump 99% of the time.

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