June 02, 2003 12:38 am

Lost wedding ring

I have been bad about updating so I am going to try to be good again. Every day in June? I doubt it, but worth trying for. So count this as June 1, even though it is after midnight. I haven't been to bed today (well, a nap doesn't count) so it is still Sunday to me.

And what a day. Easy going, slow paced, planning to meet with the journalers at 3 pm at Curra's. The day was set. Mark and I were going to go get some lunch and that left me plenty of time.

I got dressed for lunch and went to get my watch and wedding rings. They weren't there. Then I remembered I had had a manicure yesterday and I put them in the pocket of my shorts so that I wouldn't have to worry with putting them on and messing up my nails. THEN I remembered that I had done all my laundry last night and the shorts were in there. Eeeeeee, I ran to the dryer and pulled out clothes and then pulled out a watchband with a glass face, but no workparts. My favorite watch, but a cheapie, so I could live with this, but what about the rings!? I dig deeper and find the engagement ring. Relief. I put it on and keep digging. I pull out all the clothes and go through them item by item and into the pockets, even pockets of other pants, and no ring. I begin to panic. I call for Mark's help. Not a word of reproach or criticism or even "You should be more careful."

Mark examined the washer and determined that it was unlikely the ring had drained away with the water. He pulled out the dryer and took it apart carefully and examined lint ball after lint ball and found watch hands, battery, face, but no ring. He went through the exhuast hose and the lint trap and then we took off the front of the dryer. Here at the bottom we found the graveyard of all things heavy.... over four dollars in change, bunches of collar stays, AND my wedding band. Hallelujah. What a relief. Now why dryer manufacturers don't make a little trap door there so you can easily retrieve heavy things, I don't know.

But I had my ring back, happily. We were an hour behind schedule at this point and went on to lunch and I was now late for the journalers, but I didn't want to rush off from Mark since he had been so sweet. So we did a little shopping, bought some wood to build a bench in the backyard, came home and worked on putting the dryer all back together.

I spent two days this week doing a radiothon for Children's Hospital. It was very rewarding and a great experience, but I got very frustrated by being surrounded by people while trying to work. Amazing how people think they can stand there and converse with me up until the second I go on the air. Beyond that, a guy from our sales staff talked to me while I was ON the air and listening to the traffic guy. I had to tell him to BACK OFF.

I've got to say therapy is helping... I have said NO and stated true feelings a lot more this week.

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A Good Saturday Ahead - Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014
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