Monday, Jul. 09, 2007 12:02 pm

Monday procrastination

Mark left for the dentist a while back and I kept sleeping. I have much I need to get going on and DO. I have GOT to get a driver's license again. I keep getting into situations where I just know they are going to need ID and I realize I don't have one. So far, it hasn't slowed me down, but it could at any minute. You never know.

Saturday I boxed up a bunch of the food in our pantry to take to the food bank, too. If we can't eat it, someone should. No sense letting it sit there for another six months. Today I was only down the same 8 pounds I was down yesterday, first thing. Mark says he has lost 7, so he is pleased except that he is having more and more cravings. I'm doing okay there, it is just a matter of making myself eat at some point or another because I need to.

I spend most of yesterday on this computer. I finally got all of my addresses (physical and email) moved to this computer where I can access them. I also got all of my Word docs off of the Big Buddy and moved them to this computer in the right places. Got most everything off of the old laptop and into the Big Buddy, I believe. When I am truly confident of that, I will erase that hard drive and maybe reformat the machine again and see if I want to use it at all or dump it onto Craig's list and see what happens. I think it is time for a new machine, but I dread paying for it.

I just read a beautiful article about the Palo Duro Canyon and it makes me homesick. It claims that Georgia O'Keeffe called it her "spiritual home." It sure is my spiritual home. There is a lot more to the park now, but it isn't open to the public yet. I still haven't really seen the Caprock park and I'd like to hike that a little. I wish I were more of a hiker.

It rained more yesterday, which surprised me. It rained while we were having our early morning coffee, and then it really rained last night during my Texas show with lightning and the works. It didn't last long, but it was sure a big storm. Today is supposed to remain dry. Supposed to.

I talked to many friends yesterday. M&M called from Illinois to tell me all went well and her dad's service was beautiful. B! called from Ohio to say she was home from vacation and to tell me the harrowing story of one of the kids in their group disappearing from a beach for over an hour. Visions of being swept out to the ocean or being in some creeps basement filled her head as they searched, but he turned up, safe and sound and not even knowing he was lost.

Also, while I was going through these old addresses, I wrote to a couple of distant friends and heard back. That was fun, to reconnect. One is a cousin that used to come to the reunion, but hasn't been there in more than 10 years, I'm sure. I wrote and she still does have her old address and may come this year. Dayna lives in OK and I really liked her sister, too. I would like more people to be there that I really know.

Last night when Mark got home from his gig we watched A Prairie Home Companion (the movie). Pretty slow moving. Not nearly as interesting as the show itself is. Mark said if they said "biscuit" one more time he was going to go to the Village Inn and have one. I liked the radio things, but hated the Lindsey Lohan character and didn't see much point to the movie. The angel was a weird deal. Sad for that to be Robert Altman's last hurrah.

I never did get back to the station today to paint and that makes me aggravated that I still need to do that. I hate procrastinating.

I finally got on the website where my soon-to-be-wed friend is registered. Whooooo----eeeeeee, that's some high dollar shit! $110 a plate, $125 a fork. Can you buy a tine? There may be something there I can afford. It is interesting to see how some of the world lives. I am really looking forward to her wedding, but maybe I'd better go get some clothes that didn't come from Ross and Payless to wear to it.

And I have a big ol' zit on my cheek. I hate that a lot.

Oh, since I am procrastinating about getting ready, I'll throw in a dream I just had. I was late (surprise!) and was desperately trying to get dressed for work and I also needed to pack because I was going on a cruise that night, maybe just a one night cruise. We were in our old Canyon house, but it was up high so I was on the second story, maybe. My dresser was the old dresser I grew up with, but it was stuffed with all sorts of sheets and blankets, one drawer wasn't even there, it was just stuffed tight in that space with a quilt. I couldn't find panties amidst all this stuff stuffed in there. I was asking Mom for help and she wasn't doing anything and I was a bit frantic. Then I see out the window some balloons in a group and some said "Happy 44th birthday" and I realized she was trying to get me downstairs to a party in the backyard in my honor for my birthday. I knew that was sweet and I still needed to find panties and I was relaxing a bit and knew that I would be able to get it all done. I was wondering, though, why there was a party for me and decided it was because I had the first birthday after Daddy died, except for Mom's. I found two big ripe tomatoes in a suitcase or bag or something and was pulling them out for Mom to put away while I tried to get my shit together. The End.

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