Sunday, Jul. 03, 2005 1:19 pm

Muddled Mess

I am all boo-hooey today with no real good reason. Part of it, I guess, is the "poor me" mood I am in about tomorrow's broadcast. I'm trying to change that attitude and be gung-ho, but I am so wrung out from yesterday's day in the heat (102) that I am just dreading it.

I did sleep about 12 hours last night and that was after a three hour nap yesterday evening. Is that enough sleep for one person? I don't know. My voice is incredibly weak as it is. I will rest everything today and give it my best shot tomorrow. And then I'm afraid it will be a full week of recovery.

Last night I sorted through some genealogy, desperately seeking a backup more recent than over a year ago. No such luck. When my computer fried in February it took a WHOLE LOT of updates I had made in the family tree. I should have most of them on paper here somewhere, but I am just not too organized, sadly, and I won't know if I get it all or not. The reunion is a month away. Thank God I'm not the address person anymore. And what are they going to do, fire me? I don't hold a position and I've never volunteered for this, really. I wish someone else would be the official keeper of the info.

I need to go to the grocery store today, too, and I don't want to leave the house and have to get in the heat. I expect the stores are crazy today with people stocking up for the so-called "holiday." I swear, my next job will have holidays as a given. And not the kind where you do all your holiday work in advance in order to get a holiday. I want a job where you just close for the day and then resume on the next day. Surely those jobs exist?

I'm thinking a lot these days about my next job. I hate to think negatively or project too far into the future, but I don't know if I can last a long time with this boss and his attitude and especially when you factor in my voice troubles. I think on the one hand that I just need to do my best and think positively, then I think, no, I'd better be laying groundwork and finding something else to do. My mind is racing and muddled most of the time with these conflicting and conflicted thoughts. Right now I will just ignore the voices in my head and go make some iced tea.

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