Thursday, Jan. 06, 2005 10:41 pm

First Sick Headache of 2005

Is this it? The end of Holidailies 2004? I guess I'm relieved the "pressure" (Jette, you slavedriver) is over, but I will continue to try to do a daily update, but won't kick myself if I don't make it. I think I only missed one day this time. That's very good, I think!

Today was a weird day. I had committed to being at part of a meeting this morning, but had let them know I had an appointment (therapy) and would have to leave before we really got started on the meeting.

Morning came and I completely forgot about the meeting. I didn't set an alarm or think about it at all. Missed it completely.

But as I got up to get ready for my appointment, that I really wanted to keep, I couldn't get through a really bad headache. My eyebrows hurt and the entire surface of my head had a seven-layer covering of pain and it extended down into my neck. Bad stuff. I made and drank the coffee, thinking that would solve it. Then I took some cold drugs that would cure any kind of sinus headache and regular headache. At this point I knew I wasn't going to make therapy. I just couldn't get ready. I had to keep stopping and laying down. I gave up on the appointment and had Mark call the doctor. He was sweet enough to make the call and take me there.

Dr. F. concluded it was a sinus headache and a stiff neck. Just ibuprofen and decongestants along with ice and stretching. Since I wasn't contagious and was feeling more "normal" bad, not death-is-eminent bad, I went on to work. It was not an easy afternoon, but I didn't end up laying on the floor moaning, so it was okay.

Tonight I'm worn out and I haven't done a thing. It's an early bedtime for me tonight. I am supposed to have a piano lesson in the morning, but I may call and cancel that when I get up.

Dad had surgery on his lip today. I talked to my sister two or three times and it all went well. They took about two-thirds of his lower lip out and a plastic surgeon built him a new lip from the skin on the inside of his lip. I guess they do it all the time. They had a really long hard day, but it is done now.

Yesterday one of my co-workers that I've known since moving to Austin was fired. He was expecting it. It's radio so it wasn't for bad things, it was just a change in direction. I feel bad for him though. Now one of the salemen from that station that I really liked and ogled from afar is leaving for a better job. Six days into the new year and already too many changes for my taste. It makes me nervous.

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