January 06, 2002 12:52 am

Saturday headache

I really enjoyed one of life's little pleasures today. I made a batch of cinnamon rolls (that, in itself, a great pleasure) and the dough was the best dough I've ever made. It wasn't sticky, it wasn't tough, it was a pleasure to work with and to behold. I even had to take it to Mark's drum room where he was working and let him behold its glory.

I have had the same headache today I had all of last Saturday. I know it is related to the huge change in schedule from the weekdays to the weekends but I am not going to go to bed at 9:30 on a Friday night and get up at 3:30 on Saturday!

I made a catnip pillow with a little bell on it today for Nathan Jr. the kitty. He went wild playing with it and rolling around. I left the room for a minute and came back and he was sound asleep. Wish something would have that immediate effect on me.

Mark played a wedding gig tonight and the mother of the groom was Carole King! Very cool.

I've been at the computer for a couple of hours doing nothing but deleting e-mails and answering some. No web surfing or anything like that. Not exactly a waste of time but there are certainly other things I need to be doing tonight.

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