Friday, Jan. 21, 2005 11:06 pm

Rodeo developments

I have been productive. I really like being productive. I finished painting the bathroom and got it all back together, too. Don't look behind the toilet, but other than that all looks good in there. I may change my opinion when I see it all in the daylight.

I'm unhappy with a forwarded email I got tonight. I have a friend in my hometown that was a regular listener when I was on the radio there. I always pictured their family when I was on the air and figured if it was something I could say in front of them and their 14 year old twin girls and their 16 year old son, then it was clean enough, and, of course, I wanted it to be something they were interested in. Since emails were invented, he has bombarded me with every funny and religious email there is. I delete a lot of them unread, disagree with a bunch and just delete them, but tonight he sent one that was just blatantly racist. It really offended me that he thought this was funny and he thought I would think it was funny. So I just emailed him and said he'd stepped over the line and to take me off of his forward list. I'm not going to email someone and say "I'm offended by your 'angel watching over me' email," but this was a whole different kind of "wrong."

Interesting development at work today. We've always worked with the rodeo and I've had to be out there doing my show the last couple of years (go back and re-read March 2003 and 2004 and you'll see just how much I love it! ha). Apparently the rodeo has decided not to be exclusive with us, so we aren't going to be doing all the "free" things we have done for them in the past. I think they will miss us. As I recall they had a lot of trouble filling seats last year and that was with us beating the drum for them every day. Now they are going to be primarily relying on advertising they pay for.

I did walk again today. I'm proud of myself. I know this is one of those habits, like any habit, that I just need to do for 21 days to make it a part of my life. I won't think so much about it if I just keep doing it. Weird thing is that enjoy walking very much. I don't feel worn out when I'm through. I like the feeling of having done it and I enjoy the process. It is just this feeling of needing to multitask and when all I'm doing is walking I feel like I'm wasting time.

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