Late New Year's Eve 12:57 am

New . . .Yawn . . .Year's Eve

Last entry of the Holidailies. Technically, it is New Year's Day, but let's not let the clock get in the way of my timeliness.

Feeling crappy crappy today. Not flu or cold crappy, just continuing in PMS hell crappy. A day full of ibuprofen, Tylenol, codeine, and finallly Xanax to make it through the day.

Spent hours staring at computer screens at work trying to get work done that will carry the station through the next 10 days or so.

Did the broadcast of the Top 25 songs from the fire hall tonight. Live broadcasts are interesting but I do not like them. EVERYONE wants to come up and say hi and have a conversation with you. Meanwhile, my total concentration HAS to be about what is coming up and how we're going to do it. It causes me to get anxious and require the Xanax. A new guy on the board not knowing enough to keep my mic off had it on when I was exclaiming "Oh crap" because the wrong song was playing (pretty important on a countdown) and then pure chaos when a song was completely missing. Kind of hard to skip it and not have it noticed. The place was fun and I know I would have had a good time if I had not been feeling like the visegrips were on my head. Glad to bail before the last song faded and get out of there.

Came home and had a special romantic dinner of Popeye's chicken strips and biscuits. Ooo la la. Then laid down to watch TV and found myself opening my eyes and seeing 12:00 on the VCR screen (and, no, it doesn't flash that all the time). Happy New Year.

Kramer suggested I do a Top 10 list of my favorite entries like he did. Great idea and I got 7 down as contenders yesterday, but time has gotten away from me like this year has. Maybe a more thoughtful "closure" type entry tomorrow.

Meanwhile, hope you're having a great New Year and only the best for the kind folks that share my words each day.

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Older Entries
Book Club - Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014
A Good Saturday Ahead - Saturday, Jan. 18, 2014
Back to Work - Monday, Jan. 06, 2014
The New Year Arrives - Wednesday, Jan. 01, 2014
Engaged - Monday, Dec. 30, 2013
JournalCon Austin
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