Sunday, Apr. 17, 2011 11:45 am

Death, sickness, taxes

A lot has happened since I wrote, I see. I want to write here more often, I really really do. I think I feel an obligation to write in the blog and when I don't do that, nothing else gets written either.

First, poor sweet Jules did die that next day. She took him to the vet and his heart was failing and lots of money and pain could have made him survive a few more days or weeks, but he was not in good shape so they let him go. It was incredibly sad for us all. I cried at work all day and Mark and I cried together then and since. He was a sweet dog and we will miss him and his happy presence. And it brought back all our emotions when we went through it, too.

And second, my cousins did not have a baby. They were only finding out the sex that day, she is due in August. It will be -- as I predicted -- another girl. Our family just doesn't know how to make baby boys, it seems -- ESPECIALLY when the father is the family member as in this case.

My bonus from work was pretty substantial. I haven't looked at the paystub to see exactly, but after taxes it was a lot so that is great. I wish more of those opportunities would come along.

The work dilemma that is bothering me now is that I lost my biggest account to guy in Seattle that reminds me of some NY mobster. I still don't understand why because it all happened very fast and then my boss's father-in-law passed away so he left town, but I hope to know more this week. The boss called me in this past Wednesday to get a feeling on the program and how it was going. I told him the little set-backs we had had. He said that he was going to talk to the guy and possibly move the program to this other guy and we'd swap and I'd take one of his. I thought it was just all tentative, but then the next day the boss had had to leave and I called the mobster guy and he said yes it was a done deal. I don't know if the saleswoman complained and asked for the change. I really can't imagine that six months into this the client would say "I want someone new." We hadn't had an argument or a problem. I want to know more, but it has made me uneasy. It also seemed that my immediate boss has been standoffish this week, not answering my emails, not even when I asked a specific question. I did see her briefly Friday and she seemed okay, so maybe not. I just hate the feeling of impending doom and the fear of losing my job that is ALWAYS FUCKING WITH ME.

And I have been very very very very sick since I wrote last, too. I last wrote that I was tired. I was very tired. But I worked and worked and Thursday I worked and voicetracked. I got up there to track and decided a short nap would help me through it. I slept over an hour before I woke up and realized my alarm hadn't gone off. I tracked and came home. At home I thought the house was FREEZING, but the thermostat said 75. I took my temp and it was 100.6. Mark came in about then and I told him I thought I had the flu. I went to the clinic to see if they could help and I was feeling worse by the minute.

They took my temperature, too, and it was over 100. My blood pressure was high, too, I suspect because the cuff started going down and then had to pump up again like they do when it is high, but I didn't hear the numbers on that. I've been taking it at night lately and it is always high. They swabbed my nose and said that test was negative and I did NOT have the flu. She thought it was an infection, like a kidney infection, and gave me antibiotics and took a urine sample. I came home -- typed one report the doctor had to have no matter how sick I was -- and went to bed. FOR FOUR DAYS! I don't know when I've ever been that sick. I had also had diarrhea all day on Thursday, before and after lunch with Judith, (TMI?) and it also continued along with puking, too, on Saturday. The clinic called on Saturday and they had lost my urine sample and had me come back. I called them on Monday when I'd had no word and they said they had the results (so why hadn't they called?) and I did not have an infection. Of course, that urine sample was after a couple of days of antibiotics, too, so maybe I had. Either way, I was totally out of it for four days, sleeping and not eating anything. I watched a little bit of TV at night and saw the movie the Social Network that I had from NetFlix, but I was down for the count. So glad I had work that would allow me to be sick, that's for sure.

That was all last weekend and I've tried to take it easier this week and not let it come back. Yesterday and today I slept super late (and had a nap yesterday, too) and I know that has helped.

Today Mark asked me to go to Green Pastures for brunch. How sweet is that? I had wanted to take Mother there, but her trip was postponed when I couldn't go get her last weekend. So we are going to go and count it as our anniversary celebration since our anniversary is on Easter this year and I don't think we'll want to go to a restaurant.

Yesterday I was home all alone for the whole day as Mark was at Ft. Hood. I raked a lot of leaves and mowed the lawn and watered some. I typed a LOT of reports for the doctor, too, and one drove me nuts because he talked so low and there was a huge roar in the background. Very frustrating.

And I will mail the taxes today, I swear. I don't want to mess around and forget that important step of the process. My nephew did my Mom's taxes this year for the first time (he's almost a CPA). I think that's cool. I hope he takes care of our finances one of these days.

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